BOAKUDO PRIMARY SCHOOL: Build Lower Primary. Repair Upper Primary
The school is housed in a dilapidated mud structure with no roof and broken walls. 350 Pupils.
Repair Cost Upper Primary £9,000. Build Lower Primary. £32,000. Toilets £6,000
The school is housed in a dilapidated mud structure with no roof and broken walls. It is dangerous and quite the worst school we have seen.
The Upper Primary block roof has also been ripped off by rain storm but the basic structure is very strong. A roof, windows, doors and a mending of the floors will restore it back in good shape. Many children in isolated villages do not come to school at present as it is dangerous and offers no protection from the extreme weather. Estimate enrolment 350 pupils when the school is re-built.

Pupils still flock to this dangerous school.
We plan to rebuild the collapsed 3 classroom primary school on the current site We will substantially repair the badly damaged (but retrievable 3-room Upper Primary block. We build this to follow the model of our recent schools and it will be strengthened in order to delay and minimize the weather and termite damage that is a characteristic of this geographical region. There will be steel doors and windows for the classrooms and aprons and verandas to protect the walls from erosion and give shade during the heat of the day.
We will use our own trusted team of builders including block makers, masons , carpenters, roofers , plasterers and painters who would live in the village , as needed, during the 6 to 8 weeks of the build and be fed and housed by the villagers . The builders are paid the ‘going rate for the job’ but work hard for Wulugu Project because they know that they will certainly be paid for their work on completion and not ‘eventually’, if at all, by other contractors. The village women will fetch water, sand and gravel to support the build and guard the site at night.
The School will absorb those children moving up from the Kindegarten leading to 200 pupils initially, growing to 300 plus when the present children reach year 6. In fact many more will flood in to join from the neighbouring villages. On completion of year 6, the pupils take tests and can then move on into 3 years of Junior High School. We have a long history of working in partnership with Ghana Education Services and they will appoint and pay teachers as the need arises. The Active PTA will ensure that the buildings are well cared for.
The village, staff and pupils are mainly Muslim but some are Christian. We know that, at the opening Durbar (celebration), both the Pastor and the Imam will be there and conduct the opening and closing prayers. Their presence shows approval of education, which was until recently limited particularly for girls. Our work with similar communities shows that families respond to a real school by sending all their children, including their daughters, to school. This interfaith co-operation is refreshing in a world with so much dissent.