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Wulugu Project is run by a small team of volunteers, based in Norfolk, helped by skilled active supporters throughout U.K. The major work is carried out by our amazing team of Ghanaian volunteers whose deep understanding of the real needs, the communities and culture really make sure that our projects tackle the greatest needs and make the greatest long term difference, all at incredibly low cost.  There are no paid staff or offices. We fund raise locally and those who support our work appreciate our very low 2% running costs and our stance against corruption in Ghana. We know where all our money is spent carefully in Ghana.


Where We Began.

The development of the deep trust between our Northern Ghanaian villages and towns exists because of Karimu Nachina. As a child, he lived in a remote village without a school, but was sent away to be educated and qualified as a teacher then promoted to headmaster at Wulugu Secondary School. He had the foresight to encourage girls to be educated. A chance meeting between our founder Lynne and Karimu at a Conference in Japan lead to the development of charity ‘The Wulugu Project’.


Lynne and Karimu in Wulugu Library , which was one of our first joint projects

The education of girls became the main aim of our work which has continued after Karimu’s death. Fortunately for us his son Solomon picked up the baton and he continues to be our main link with the building projects. The headmistress at Wayamba Primary School states:- “ Your team lead by Solomon Nachina, do not compromise on the quality of their work- they are on site everyday ..... their work ethic is second to none. A practical and fitting comment on the progress we continue to make.


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Solomon, our Project Manager and Jane, his wife  who is developing Maths Education in Northern Ghana

Lynne Symonds


Our founder made this successful project happen after a chance meeting in Japan with Karimu Nachina. Linking her school in Norfolk with Wulugu Secondary School, a library was created followed by a hostel for girls which enabled them to be safely educated.


Lynne was acknowledged by the world press when she was given an honorary chieftaincy of the Mamprusi people (1m.) with the tribal name ‘ Neesim Poanaaba’’Chief of Enlightenment and Education.


Communities in Northern Ghana credit Wulugu as being the most efficient charity helping to improve education in ways that work for their culture. Lynne and Roger (her husband)  overview and yearly visits ensure that the best and the most useful deployment of funds keep our supporters loyal to our aims. Even with the Covid pandemic we, as a charity have adapted to provide advice and clean water. Wulugu continues to grow, support and expand even in these difficult times worldwide.

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